Sunday, 4 March 2012

INDIA RISING!!!!!!!!!!!

Education in India started a long back even before king’s period. Many “padasala” were there in olden days to educate people. India is one of the fastest developing nations in the world in terms of economics. Being the second largest producer of Scientists and Engineers, India is standing next to USA (Kapur & Ramamurthy, 2001). By 2030, the number of educated people in India will be more than any other countries as said by Union minister Kapil Sibal (Expressindia, 2011). 10.7 % of the total spend of Indian government is for Education (UNESCO, 2009). These clearly show that the number of educated people in India is increasing. But the quality of education is quite low as compared to other countries. This can be witnessed by the fact, that none of the Indian institution is ranked in top 50 universities of the world. Also the literacy rate of India is still lower than the world’s average literacy rate of 85% (UNESCO, 2011). Almost 90% of people are enrolling for primary education and discontinued the education because of lack of proper infrastructure. Another reason is shortage of teaching faculty because of inefficient teachers allotter to handle. It is found in a survey that the teacher student ratio in normal Indian schools is 1:42 (UNICEF, 2011). In a research it is found that 50% of students enrolling in primary education are dropping out and around 30-60 million of children (age group of 6-14) in India is not going to school (Chatham House, 2011). This gives us a passion to start up a University in India with World class environment and thereby taking the education to next level. Another main reason for us to start up a University in India is, being an Indian everyone will be having some patriotism towards developing the country.
To take some serious steps, people opinions have been surveyed in a Facebook group named “A billion voices against corruption in India” about nation development. The poll shows result as “Education” being the main tool through which the country can be developed and many constraints which come as a block for the country development, like corruption, can be eradicated. Thus giving a proper education is the basic initial step to build a strong nation. To make the idea perfect, we planned to see the concept in a deeper manner. Education is not only about merely teaching a child. But it should help to discover the personal skill which a person holds. Thus our idea starts from a “primary school”. School is the place where a child gets the primary education. In India, primary education accounts to 50 % of the total education level (Prayatna, 2011). Thus giving a proper and good education at this level will help the child to continue his/her education. More than concentrating on feeding education to students, our school will focus to find out the personal skill of each and every student and make them realize and aware of their life skills. This will give them a clear goal of what they are and the path through which they have to travel in their life. All these activities about the child talent search will be finished before 5th standard. After that the child will be set towards his/her goal in their desired field. A child who is good at a particular skill like poem writing, cricket, dancing, etc., will be supported to develop their talent in that particular field. From that point, the child will be set to continue his education according to the government rules of examinations and public exams. After finishing the school education part successfully, the company will focus on a well developed technical advanced college (plans are to make this as university so that can frame own rules to give support to students). The college not only focuses on mere teaching, but to make aware of students about their importance in nation development. The building blocks of the nation will be discovered in this institution. The importance of education in nation development and utilizing the education properly for the country will be thought to students in a regular basis. Thus more of learning and working for a foreign country can be avoided. More than working under an organization, the entrepreneurship skills of the students will be developed in a greater manner by conducting many entrepreneurial programs and events so that the student can able to start up a firm and thereby the country’s economic status can be improved. Also starting many firms in the country will be helpful in providing jobs to many unemployed people. The main ultimate aim of the institution is to help the nation development in all possible ways. Students will be also supported to learn about politics and clear exposure about politics will be given thereby enhancing students to enter politics. By learning about politics, student’s interest in politics may increase and a initiation by a youth will spread over the country through social media and many other forms. The college will provide necessary required exposure for students to improvise their talent and will also provide some special support for people from urban areas who find difficulties in pursuing their college education. The college is planned to start in the south India where importance to education is more compared to other parts of the country. Also in south India, the level of education and standard is high. Political influences will also be quite low compared to other major cities. The institution is initially supposed to start as a college under Anna University, Chennai. After 5 years of control under a prestigious university, the institution will be changed into a private university which will be helpful for the management to frame the rules and giving some freedom to students for allowing them to work in their area of interest. The education standard will be adopted from World’s top universities and projects from this university will be of practical possible society development oriented one. Thus through every possible mode of way, the institution will provide opportunities for students and will be a great back work for our country development.  


  1. Well, Good Post dear. Keep posting.

  2. hi wt is ur emailid belated birthday wishes

    1. Raji ma.. thanq... nd im using t same id da..
